
Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Balochistan traditional hand enjoy

 Balochistan  hand  Embroidery 

Balochistan  is one largest  province  of Pakistan from  5 provinces. 

It  has beautiful & unique  traditions  , & customs .

It also has separate  identity  in hand  Embroidery , I want  to share  their  traditional  hand  Embroided dress .

This  dress  require  months  for  making ,  house wives & girls  are making  it with their  household  works .

Golden tea

 Golden  Tea 

It's  amazing  for many health  issues  in our daily life. 

1 . swelling 

2 . Obesity 

3 . Joints  pain 

4 . Infections

5 . Alzheimer's  

6 . Cancer & many more 

Let's go toward  recipe ,


Turmeric       1tsp 

Ginger             half inch  piece 

Cardamom      1

Black  pepper  half  tsp

Milk                   1 cup 

Water                1 cup

Recipe #

1 . Take  all ingredients  in  pan .

2 . Boil  until  it reduces it's  volume  up to half .

3 . Now strain it with tea  strainer. 

4 . U  can  add 1tsp  honey in it. 

5 . Enjoy .


1 . Here turmeric is  rich off curcumin

that is  fat  soluble ,  it's  important to use full fat  milk. 

2 . Black pepper  helps our body to absorb  curcumin.


It's  not  for  pregnant women.